An Epic Hike…for an Epic Shot.

Alan: “For our May Premier intro video, I want to do an epic crane shot of the video team atop Kokohead with sunset in the background.”
Video team: “Oh cool, but wouldn’t that mean we’d have to–
Alan: “Yes, carry the crane up the mountain.”
Video team: “Are you serious??!!”
Alan: “Yes. We’re gonna do it.”

And so it was decided. A few days before our May Premier, Alan, the video crew and me (Reese), made the epic trek up Kokohead with over 200 lbs of crane rig sections, tripods, and cameras. I came along to document the crazy event with photos (as you will see in this post) and also to work the crane, since all of the video guys had to be in the shot.

We started hiking just about half an hour before sunset, so we had to HUSTLE to get to the top with all the gear in time for sunset…

Crew: ,